Smicha Program
The Smicha track is geared for Bochurim who are looking to fulfill the Rebbe’s Horaah to get smicha. The track runs from after Tishrey till the summer. We begin with learning Hlchos Bossor B’Cholov until Yud Shevat. This is followed by Hilchos Taaruvos until Lag Baomer, and concluding with Hilchos Melicha, finishing that before Gimmel Tammuz. The tests are given by Rabbi Zalman Yeruslavski, Rov of the Chabad Community in Elad.
The Shiurim are given daily by Rabbi Avtzon, with a dedicated Shoel Umeshiv that is available to the Bochurim during the Seder, Rabbi Zalman Simonowitz, who is very well versed in these Halachos and received his Smicha from Heichal Shlomo.
Shiurim are also given on practical Halacha, contemporary Halachic issues, and the program offers round the table discussions on Halachic matters. In addition, Shiurim in Gemoro and Chassidus are available to the Bochurim daily.
Yeshiva Program
The Yeshiva program is geared for the type of bochur that may or may not have had much success in the conventional yeshiva environment and needs a place that will cater specifically to him. As such, the RAP offers a full program of Niglah and Chasidus, accompanied by daily Shiurim given by Rabbi Avtzon and others.
The program also offers farbrengens, daily Chitas shiurim, and other extracurricular and contemporary Halacha discussions. A group of dedicated Shluchim geared solely for the Yeshiva Track will enhance the atmosphere through one on one learning, connection, and guidance. The Shluchim also arrange Mivtzah’s and other programs to motivate the Bochurim to grow to their full potential in Yiddishkeit and connection to the Rebbe.

Touring and activities
Shabbos in our Yeshiva gives the Bochurim the opportunity to experience Shabbos in Yerushalayim, with farbrengens and meals at the Yeshiva. From Friday nights by the Kotel, one of the most inspiring moments of any visitor to Yerushalyim, to the world famous Great Synagogue with its Chazzan and choir, The Tzemach Tzedek Shul in the Old City and its farbrengens, and the various Shuls and neighboring Me’ah Shearim and Geula. These Shabbosim impact the Bochurim for a lifetime.

Extracurricular Courses
The Yeshiva offers unique courses in Safrus. Over the years we have had dozens of talmidim who have participated in these courses, led by renowned Sofer, Rabbi Beer.
The Yeshiva enables Bochurim to complete their GED and prepare themselves to take the High School Equivalency Test (HiSET), as well as participate in Online Courses. Bochurim who are taking any such courses will have a dedicated time in the afternoons to pursue these goals on their own.
*Courses may change subject to availability.
Physical Fitness
For Bochurim interested in exercise and fitness options, the Yeshiva is located minutes away from the largest park in Yerushalayim, Gan Socher, that offers running trails and various exercise equipment. If there is demand for it, the Yeshiva will arrange weekly fitness sessions with an ex-military combat veteran of the IDF.